2012年10月10日 星期三

Problems with Carbon-14 Dating: why you can't trust this

Carbon is one of the elements on the Earth. There are two types of carbon. They are Carbon 12 and Carbon 14. Most of the carbon atoms are Carbon 12. It has a stable carbon atomic structure and is non-radioactive.But Carbon 14 isn’t stable and has radioactive carbon isotope.

Carbon 14 is formed after Nitrogen 14 is affected by cosmic rays and solar winds.

Both Carbon 12 and 14 existed in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. They are absorbed by plants all alike. Animals eat plants so they absorb Carbon 14 too.
When animals and plants are alive, although Carbon 14 will change back to nitrogen, they continue to absorb Carbon 14, so the ratio of both types of carbons in the bodies is more or less the same as that in the atmosphere.
However, living things won't be able to absorb Carbon 14 anymore after dying. Carbon 14 inside the bodies will decrease. The longer they die, the less carbon 14 they have in their bodies.

The radioactive half-life of Carbon 14 is about 5,730 years, meaning that half of the Carbon 14 will be converted back to nitrogen every 5,730 years. 5,730 years later, only 1/4 of the original Carbon 14 will be left while 5,730 more years later, only 1/8 of the original Carbon 14 will be left.
original Carbon 14 will be left.

The ratio of Carbon 14 and 12 in the atmosphere is about 1 to 10 billion.
Therefore, if a person knows how much Carbon 14 a living thing had when it died, then he/she can calculate how long it’s been dead.

The best equipment these days, Accelerator Mass Spectrometer, can test the age of fossils as far as about 90,000 years ago.

However, there’s a seriously wrong assumption in the test. Scientists who believe in evolution assume that there’s no great mutation in the last billions of years and that there’s no change in the elements in the atmosphere and cosmic rays. Therefore they assume that the appearance and decline of Carbon 14 are already balanced. They also think that the amount of Carbon 14 now and that billions of years earlier are the same.
The ratio of carbon 14 will be affected under certain situations. For instance, people began to burn lots of coals and oil ever since the industrial revolution in 17th century. This increases the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. But coals contain less Carbon 14 because they were located underground and were not affected by cosmic rays.

Therefore, living things existed after the industrial revolution have a lower ratio of Carbon 14 and Carbon 12. If we don’t know this, then the age calculated by the equation will be older than the object’s real age.

Another example is that the amount of carbon 14 has increased after atomic bomb tests since 1940. Therefore, the age calculated will be younger than the real one.

Moreover, the strength of geomagnetic field will also affect the amount of Carbon 14. If it is great, it will protect Carbon 14 from being affected by cosmic rays. It is confirmed through tests of lava that our geomagnetic field has been decreasing in the last thousands of years.

In addition, solar activity and cosmic rays are more intense so the amount of Carbon 14 is greater than that in the past. Therefore, testing samples thousands of years earlier will result in thousands or even millions of years in error.

In fact, diamonds are thought to be heated and under pressure underground for millions of years. The Carbon 14 inside should be disappeared after millions of years but scientists found that there is still Carbon 14 inside.

Contemporary scientist discovered that the half-life of radioactive samples in the labs changes instantly as the Earth is hit by the solar wind. Therefore, the assumption saying that radioactive half-life is constant is completely broken.

2012年10月8日 星期一

Refuge at "Ghost Towns"

These days have seen talks on China's sharper-than-expected growth slowdown and recent data indeed looks a bit worrying. But one could hardly forget the economy was just overheated two years ago.

Analysts argued that China made itself mired in an asset bubble then as it sought to polish its economic scorecard by building dozens of vacant cities, or the so-called "ghost towns", across the country. But perhaps that's just part of the story.

World governments are said to be preparing for 2012 calamities and perhaps the Chinese is no exception. The ghost towns, with reportedly 64 million empty homes, may offer a shelter to the homeless when coastal cities go under water, as what most 2012 observers have suggested.

The cities are well located in regions like Inner Mongolia and Zhengzhou. Here's a video introducing that and it contains some English video clips from 03:43.
Full videos:
1/ China's ghost cities

2/ Warnings over Chinese building boom

2012年8月16日 星期四

2012 Glorious Hope - Soli Deo Gloria: That sinking feeling in Thailand

2012 Glorious Hope - Soli Deo Gloria: That sinking feeling in Thailand:

Telegraph poles poking out from the sea stand like graveyard memorials to the villagers that now lie beneath the waves.
Environment campaigners Greenpeace say the fate of villages like these along Thailand’s gulf coast are firm evidence of rising sea levels triggered by global warming.
They are warning the capital is also under threat.
“Because this area is not far from Bangkok, this is an emergency matter which should make the Thai people aware of what’s happening.”
In fact, Bangkok is facing a dual threat that Thai officials say could see the city under water if urgent action isn’t taken.
While sea levels may be rising, Bangkok is also sinking as ground waters pumped out from beneath.
The country’s head of disaster warning says a massive dike is needed to protect it from a watery end.
"If nothing can be done, you know, Bangkok would be at least 50 cm or 1 m under water.”

2012 Glorious Hope - Soli Deo Gloria: Unprecedented wildfires caused by Planet X

2012 Glorious Hope - Soli Deo Gloria: Unprecedented wildfires caused by Planet X:

We all remember very well that in between 2009 and 2012, once-in-a-century or even unprecedented wildfires occurred in many places around the world.

Australia Bush Fire

Texas Wildfires 2011(Worst in TX history)

Why do unprecedented wildfires happen?
Some experts explain that they are set by people because the fire site is large with multiple fires.
However, is this a reasonable explanation?
How could there be groups of people in the world deliberately setting forests on fire?
In fact, would there be a more reasonable explanation?
Besides, on 27 March 2012, people found something alarming in the satellite image on the Internet. The image shows that during the day gigantic pillars of smoke continued to appear from the ground in many states in the south central U.S., including Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina and North Carolina. From the following video, when the camera of the satellite zoomed in so that only one state was seen, white pillars of smoke were seen rising from the ground. Imagine how large the pillars are when they can be seen from the satellite above

When the camera zoomed out, it was found that many places in the south central America also had giant white pillars of smoke ejected from the ground.
Why so?
Pastor Wind explained that because when the nearing of Planet X towards the earth in the solar system will greatly increase the internal energy of the earth and sun. Therefore, during daytime, when the sun shines on regions of the earth, the energy from the sun will cause the ejection of lava under the crust onto the ground. The lava, thousand degrees in temperature, will boil underground water and burn the soil, causing great pillars of smoke. And when the regions emitting pillars of smoke also experience drought, multiple fires occur in those regions. It is hard to put out these fires because the source is the lava being ejected out of the ground.

Hence, it can be predicted that when Planet X is nearing the earth, unprecedented wildfires will occur more frequently.

2012 Glorious Hope - Soli Deo Gloria: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura FEMA CAMP

2012 Glorious Hope - Soli Deo Gloria: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura FEMA CAMP

2012 Glorious Hope - Soli Deo Gloria: Ipuwer Papyrus

2012 Glorious Hope - Soli Deo Gloria: Ipuwer Papyrus: We find additional details of Ipuwer Papyrus – a surviving Egyptian scribes (Papyrus Leiden 334)  The door keepers say: “Let us go...

2012年7月10日 星期二

"The Red Dragon" in the Book of Revelation

Genesis 3:14-15 
14 So the LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, "Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.

15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."

Genesis in the Bible records that Eve was tempted in the Garden of Eden by the serpent and ate the fruit of the only tree forbidden to eat by God—the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God did not only punish Adam and Eve but also the serpent, that is Satan.

God also foretold that in the future the offspring of the serpent and that of the woman will be enemy to each other. The offspring of the woman will crush the serpent’s head and in turn it will strike his heel. Who are the offspring of the woman and that of the serpent?

In fact, the offspring of the woman refers to Jesus and his Church, because Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born by virgin Mary. Therefore, Jesus did not have a biological father. God described Jesus and his Church as the offspring of the woman.

But who is the offspring of the serpent?
 In fact, written as early as in Genesis 6, since Satan’s fallen angels are the serpent, the serpent’s offspring is created by the serpent breeding with women.

God sent the great flood to destroy all humans on earth in order to stop Satan’s and its angels from contaminating the bloodline of human.
 Only the righteous Noah and his family of 8 people were spared to keep the human lineage pure.

Genesis 6:1-4

1 When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them,

2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.

3 Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."

4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

However, Satan never stops the plan of polluting the human lineage. After the great flood, the bible continues to record the existence of the serpent’s offspring. They were the occupants of Canaan in Joshua’s time; in David’s time, David also hit a few giants to death, i.e. Rephaim, including the famous giant Goliath.

Up to Revelation in the New Testament, this offspring of the serpent has grown up and become the red dragon in Revelation. And they can sweep away a third of stars in heaven, i.e. the downfall of the faith of church leaders who will lead a big group of Christian to follow the serpent’s offspring.

Revelation 12:3-4

3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads.

4 His tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child the moment it was born.

The red dragon in Revelation 12 does not only refer to the event of the serpent’s offspring but also a specific time, just like the woman in the beginning of the same Chapter is also referring to a particular time. From past to present, the image of this woman is used to refer to a set time, that is the time of the annual rise of the sun with Virgo, i.e. the Feast of Trumpets every year, or even the Feast of Trumpets on 29 September 2011. Therefore, the concept of “The Interstellar
Book of Revelation” must be used to understand Revelation completely

Revelation 12:1

A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.

Revelation 12 not only uses the red dragon to describe Satan in the end times, planning to defeat the church and Christians through causing a third of Christian leaders to sin, but also the specific time and star configuration in the sky when this event happens. This heavenly sign is historically recorded by ancient civilizations and prophecies, including the Bible, ancient Egyptians and Sumerians, prophet Mother Shipton and Nostradamus. The sign is the red-dragon-like physical appearance of Planet X in the sky which visited the earth 3600 years ago and will visit the earth again in 2012.

As the woman described in Revelation 12, her appearance represents the beginning of travail. And the time the red dragon appears is also the time when Planet X appears in the sky and also the time when Satan will cause a third of church leaders originally qualified for rapture to sin and turn them into the serpent’s offspring.

However, Chapter 12 also mentions the third role at the same time, that is the child born by the woman and caught up at birth who will also rule all the nations with an iron scepter.

In the end times, will you choose to become this caught up child? Or stay behind to become the rest of this woman’s children to experience the 7-year tribulation?

Or you choose to ignore the end times and scoff at those prepared for Christ’s coming, and in the end, tragically become the serpent’s offspring and receive the beast’s mark with people in the world of 7-year tribulation?

Revelation 13:16-18

16 He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead,

17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.

18 This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.

2012 Glorious Hope - Soli Deo Gloria: The Earth is wobbling...

2012 Glorious Hope - Soli Deo Gloria: The Earth is wobbling...: The Earth is wobbling... One of the  signs that Planet X is in the vicinity!!

2012年7月9日 星期一

2012 Glorious Hope - Soli Deo Gloria: Revelation 12

2012 Glorious Hope - Soli Deo Gloria: Revelation 12: Revelation 12:1-2 1  A great and wondrous sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a ...